Dog Training Devices
Dog training devices are available for pet owners who may find themselves in situations that require moving beyond basic dog training aids. With large, rambunctious dogs, rescued dogs with specific behavior problems, or field dogs that need to learn advanced skills in large areas, you may want to consider the use of various dog training devices.
Electronic dog training devices
One of the most controversial dog training devices is the electronic collar. This device lets the trainer give the dog small electric shocks via a remote control. Although the idea of shocking your dog may be, well, shocking, the electric shock will actually hurt your dog less than a slap on the muzzle or a yank on a choke collar, two things you might be more willing to do.
A benefit of the electronic collar is that it allows a trainer to correct the dog at a great distance. This comes in really handy if you're training field dogs. But without some training yourself on how to use the collar, it's easy to misuse. If you think your dog might be too tender for this type of correction, you can also find electronic collars that make noise only.
A variation on the electronic collar is the bark collar. The bark collar automatically emits a shock whenever your dog barks. If you want to add this item to your collection of dog training devices, then be sure to buy a programmable version. It will let you set a delay time before the shock, so your dog will learn it's okay to bark at an intruder, but not okay to bark all night for the fun of it.
And interesting twist to dog training devices is a new type of collar that emits both noise and a quick spray of citronella mist. It also functions with a remote control and provides immediate negative feedback for your dog without resorting to electric shock.
Invisible fences
Underground hidden fences are another of the very popular dog training aids. Invisible fences consist of buried antenna wire that marks the perimeter of an area you want "enclosed." Your dog wears a special collar that emits an audible alarm as he approaches the boundary, and administers an electric shock if he gets too close.
Dog training devices like the invisible fence are popular because they can be used in neighborhoods that don't allow fences. They give the illusion of freedom and openness. But these popular dog training devices have disadvantages as well. Passers-by and delivery workers may be frightened by your charging pet, because they don't see a fence. Some dogs have a high pain threshold and may be willing to ignore the shock if the distraction is strong enough. And if pet owners don't maintain the system, it may fall into disrepair.
There are also indoor versions of these dog training devices. Pet training mats have been developed that emit an electric shock whenever your pet steps on it. The idea is that it teaches your dog to stay off furniture, counters, or out of certain areas of the house.
High technology dog training devices are very appealing because they offer "quicker and better" solutions to the age-old problems of dog training and correction. In the long run, however, your most effective dog training "devices" are going to be patience and consistency.
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